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Testing & Assessment Toolkit

Download the Toolkit

Equip yourself with the knowledge to get started on your testing & assessment endeavor! Get instant access to a curated collection of our top 5 testing & assessment articles and resources. This toolkit collection includes our introductory guide, "Assessment 101"; real-world case studies and webinar examples; and additional blog insights and video content to help you hit the ground running.

Here's What You'll Get Access To:

assessment-101 cover

PDF Guide | Assessment 101

Our eBook demystifies the world of employee assessments and explains all the basics around assessments, tests, evaluations and more.

group of people working on competency-based assessments

Comprehensive Guide | Everything you need to know about competency-based assessments

This blog post is to help you get the best knowledge when it comes to understanding competency-based assessments.


Blog Insights | The benefits of employment testing

Professionally developed and well-validated tests can help predict employee productivity based on how well they predict performance across a wide range of job types. Here's how.

IMA case study

Case Study | How IMA completed 1000+ competency assessments

Learn how the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) used CompetencyCore to help its members evaluate critical professional competencies, build development plans and identify areas for improvement.

typing on laptop

Webinar | Transforming recruitment and hiring with online testing

With turnover costs as high as $20,000 per exiting employee, improving the screening and testing process is a priority for every HR professional. Here's an archived webinar that explores how online testing can make a quick impact.