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Employee Development Toolkit

Download the Toolkit

Equip yourself with the knowledge to get started on your employee development endeavor! Get instant access to a curated collection of our top 5 employee development articles and resources. This toolkit collection includes our comprehensive guide, "Engaging and developing talent with competencies"; a case study of competency-based development in action; and additional blog insights to help you hit the ground running.

Here's What You'll Get Access To:


PDF Guide | Engaging and developing talent with competencies

This comprehensive ebook looks at career development from a competency-based perspective and breaks down the key elements of a successful program. Start here on your journey!

ELM case study

Case Study | Using competencies to find and address skill gaps

Learn how HRSG helped ELM, a secure e-Services provider in the Middle East region, built a competency-based development program that has allowed them to find & address skill gaps.

water waves

Blog Insights | Why talent mobility is important for the workforce

Retaining top talent is more important than ever before. Career development programs are a great way to engage your workforce, and can help foster a more agile and flexible culture. See how in this blog post.


PDF Guide | 5 essentials for high-performance career development

Analyst firm, the Brandon Hall Group, delves into the most important steps to establish a great foundation for your employee development programs. Includes info on enabling career development with technology, the benefits of aligning career pathing with competencies, and more.

person looking out at large body of water

Blog Insights | Everything you need to know about career pathing

One of the primary instigators of turnover is employees having no access to advancement opportunities at their organization. Here's how to meet that talent management challenge head-on.